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ScaleSafe Blacklist


ScaleSafe Blacklist is an anonymous team of dedicated individuals here to help. For so long valuable members of our community have had to feel unsafe. Business owners and individuals should be aware of the safety risks associated with dealing with certain people, and ScaleSafe has created an easy to use list with verifiable proof. Keep in mind this is a living document so check back before your big event. All submissions will be kept anonymous. If you would like to make a submission, please send an email to We are here to support you. In your submission, please include the full name of the predator, a link to their criminal record if they have one, and any pictures or screenshots you are okay with being posted on the blacklist. We may take some time to get back to you because of how many submissions we get. I promise we are not ignoring you, and we respond to each and every submission. This is important. This is needed. This is here. 

© 2024 ScaleSafe Blacklist

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